Total Cambodia
Chemicals & Petro-Chemicals
108-112 Preah, Samdach Sothearos Blvd (3), Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Employee / Freelance
Full time
Phnom Penh
- A motivating compensation policy
- Respecting Work-Life balance
- Opportunities throughout the world
- Motivating working conditions
- A stimulating working environment
- Continuous employee’s skills and potential development
- Collaboration on game-changing projects in international teams
- Health Care Plan (Medical, Dental & Vision)
- Retirement Plan (401k)
- Life Insurance (Company Paid, Voluntary & AD&D)
- Paid Time off (Vacation, Sick & Holidays)
- Short Term & Long Term Disability
- Wellness Resources
- Stock Option Plan
Chemicals & Petro-Chemicals
ក្រុមហ៊ុនប្រេងចំរុះអន្តរជាតិចំរុះកំពុងស្វែងរកវិស្វករមេកានិកដែលមានបទពិសោធន៍ដើម្បីចូលរួមក្រុមបច្ចេកទេសពហុជាតិរបស់យើង។ ក្នុងនាមជាវិស្វករមេកានិកតូតាល់អ្នកនឹងទទួលខុសត្រូវក្នុងការផ្តល់ការគាំទ្រផ្នែកវិស្វកម្មមេកានិកដែលមានជំនាញវិជ្ជាជីវៈគម្រោងអនុវត្តតាមដំណើរការនៃការសម្រេចចិត្តតាមច្រកទ្វារស្តង់ដារធានាថាគម្រោងត្រូវបានគេផលិតឱ្យមានស្តង់ដារខ្ពស់បំផុតផ្តល់ការណែនាំផ្នែកវិស្វកម្មមេកានិចដែលមានជំនាញទទួលខុសត្រូវក្នុងការត្រួតពិនិត្យនិងគ្រប់គ្រងឧបករណ៍។ និងការថែរក្សាទិន្នន័យផ្តល់ការគាំទ្រផ្នែកបច្ចេកទេសដល់វិស្វករគំរោងនិងទទួលខុសត្រូវចំពោះការពិនិត្យនិងគ្រប់គ្រងឧបករណ៍ផលិតកម្មនិងថែទាំ។ ល។ ជាមួយនឹងប្រតិបត្តិការជាង ១៣០ ប្រទេសនិយោជិក ១០០.០០០ នាក់របស់យើងរកឃើញផលិតដំណើរការលក់និងថាមពលទីផ្សារក្នុងភាពខុសគ្នា។ ទម្រង់, វិធីទាំងអស់ដើម្បីអតិថិជនចុងក្រោយ។ នៅក្រុមហ៊ុនតូតាល់យើងជឿជាក់ថាជោគជ័យរួមគឺជាផ្នែកសំខាន់មួយនៃសុខុមាលភាពរបស់មនុស្សទាំងអស់នៅកន្លែងធ្វើការ។ មិនថាបរិយាកាសការងារណាដែលនិយោជិករបស់យើងធ្វើការក៏ដោយយើងខិតខំផ្តល់លក្ខខណ្ឌការងារជំរុញពួកគេដូច្នេះពួកគេអាចផ្តល់ឱ្យពួកគេនូវអ្វីដែលល្អបំផុតដូចជាទីធ្លាសុវត្ថិភាពនិងរីករាយការផ្តល់រង្វាន់លើកទឹកចិត្តការគាំពារសង្គមការគោរពតុល្យភាពការងារ / ជីវិត។ យើងប្តេជ្ញាចំពោះការអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ផ្ទាល់ខ្លួននិងវិជ្ជាជីវៈរបស់និយោជិកទាំងអស់របស់យើង។ យើងវិនិយោគលើសក្តានុពលរបស់និយោជិករបស់យើងទាំងអស់ពីព្រោះពួកគេជាកម្លាំងចលករពិតប្រាកដនៃការរីកចម្រើនរបស់យើងនិងអនុវត្តមហិច្ឆតារបស់យើងនៅគ្រប់តំបន់នៃពិភពលោក។ ការចូលរួមរបស់តូតាល់មានន័យថាចូលរួមចំណែកក្នុងមហិច្ឆតារួមគ្នាសម្រាប់ថាមពលប្រកបដោយការទទួលខុសត្រូវដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាប្រឈមខាងបច្ចេកវិទ្យាដ៏អស្ចារ្យនៅក្នុងក្រុមពហុវប្បធម៌ថែរក្សាតុល្យភាពការងារ / ជីវិតរបស់អ្នកនិងច្រើនទៀត! យើងជំរុញបេក្ខជនដែលមានចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍ឱ្យផ្ញើប្រវត្តិរូបសង្ខេបនិងលិខិតបិទបាំងតាមរយៈអ៊ីម៉ែលអាជីពដែលបានបង្ហាញឬចុចប៊ូតុងដាក់ពាក្យខាងក្រោម។ មានតែបេក្ខជនដែលមានសមត្ថភាពប៉ុណ្ណោះដែលត្រូវបានទាក់ទងដើម្បីសម្ភាស។
- To provide professional competent mechanical engineering guidance and advice based on sound engineering practices in support of operations, projects and contracts both offshore and onshore
- The Mechanical Engineer is responsible for providing professional, competent mechanical engineering support, guidance and advice to Project Engineers ensuring that they have access to technical knowledge and expertise in ensuring that projects are engineered to the highest standard required of technical integrity
- Providing sound engineering guidance and advice on matters of Mechanical Technical Integrity, including Operations, Projects and Decommissioning group
- Liaise effectively with other discipline engineers to ensure projects are engineered to highest standard taking into consideration all project requirements
- Ensure projects follow standard gate decision process, i.e. Appraise, Select, Define, Execute, Operate
- Ensure the client and company Management of Change process is complied with, ensuring Engineering Change Requests are prioritised and dealt with in a timely manner
- Liaise with sub-contractors, e.g. engineering consultancies, piping surveyors, engineering fabricators, etc. to ensure that materials and services are planned and co-ordinated to align with client planning process and milestones
- Provide technical support to project engineers for client shutdown/TAR outages, attend planning meetings when required
- Monitor project progress and update activity planning meetings with clients and company Project Engineers
- Preparation of comprehensive project work packs, including method statements, resources and material requirements
- Carrying out visits to offshore assets as required
- Be responsible for the review and management of equipment and maintenance data within the Computerized Maintenance Management System (JDE)
- Identify and investigate equipment performance, and contribute to equipment reliability
- Be a proactive team member within the Maintenance Technology team
- Closely cooperate and support the Mechanical Workshop and other organizational departments
Mechanical Director
- Education: HND/Bachelor or Graduate (BEng/MEng/MSc Mech Engineering) Degree in Mechanical Engineering required
- 3 to 10 years of experience in oil/gas industry and/or manufacturing facility
- Good working knowledge of relevant industry engineering codes and standards, e.g. API 610; ASME 8 and B31 series, PED, ISO 19900:2019
- Good knowledge of offshore industry regulations, COMAH, Safety Case Regs, PFEER, DCR
- Advanced technical skills with strong emphasis in 3D Modelling and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) required
- Proficient in the use of 3D design and engineering software such as SolidWorks Simulations or Inventor required
- Experience in structural, fluid dynamics, vibrations and heat transfer analyses
- Advanced written and verbal skills
- Strong ability to build peer relationships as well as work independently
- Advanced problem solving and project management skills
- Good organizing, planning, and presentation skills
- Must be action oriented, ethical in value, and focused with a drive for results
- Sound ability to manage time, makes quality decisions, and manages and measure work
Apply to this position
Apply by email
Any enquiries? Call us : 023 22 44 22