Homepage > Don’t send a CV via email without a subject line or cover letter #CVDo's&Dont's
Don’t send a CV via email without a subject line or cover letter #CVDo's&Dont's
Don't send a cv via email without a subject line and a cover letter

Being that this is often your first contact with a potential employer, it is important for you to make a good first impression with your email. Your email writing style can be an indication of your personality and professionalism. This first message is a chance for you to demonstrate that you are really interested in this position.

So what would have been the first impression for an Employer if you sent an empty email with only your CV attached?

  • The Employer will think that you don't care
  • The Employer will think that you couldn't take 5 minutes to write a personal cover letter to show your keen interest in applying for this specific position
  • The Employer will think that you send this CV just because you had to

By excluding a subject line and cover letter, you dramatically reduce your chances of being contacted for an interview and potentially getting the job you want!

Check Out our Guidelines: How to Write Your Cover Letter with Top Job Cambodia

Top Job Cambodia can help you!

Top Job Cambodia can help you to apply quickly and efficiently for a job position. Anytime you apply for a job through Top Job Cambodia, we will help you to add your CV, the job position, your name and to write a cover letter with all the essential content.

Top Job Cambodia Cover Letter automatique

Top Job Cambodia will send an engaging email directly to the Employer.

Automatique email to employer

For each position you apply for with Top Job Cambodia, you will always find a copy of the CV and cover letter sent to the Employer.

Apply on Top Job Cambodia


Do you have more questions? Feel free to contact us at any time via contact@saintblanquat.com or send us a message via our Facebook page.
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